NJ I-Bank Project of the Week: Ocean County Utilities Authority NWPCF Clarifier Rehabilitation. Authority receives $1,976,722 in Water Bank loans. Estimated savings to ratepayers of $360,700.

NJ I-Bank and NJDEP Helping to Improve New Jersey's Infrastructure, One Project at a Time

The Ocean County Utilities Authority ("Authority") recently completed Clarifier improvements that are being financed with approximately $1.98 million in loans from the NJ Water Bank, a low-interest rate funding program administered jointly by the NJDEP and the NJ I-Bank. Total savings for this project is estimated to be $360,700 over the 30-year term of the loan or approximately 18% of the total project cost. In addition, this project created an estimated 23 direct construction jobs. 

This project is a continuation of on-going maintenance and rehabilitation of the Authority's assets. The rehabilitation includes improvements to final clarifiers at the Northern Water Pollution Control Facility (NWPCF) in Brick Township. Both clarifiers were original to the treatment plant in 1976, and after 46 years in operation, in need of upgrade.The project also includes replacement of mechanical and metallic components with new concrete surfaces, conduit, conductors, and lighting. This project satisfies the New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NJPDES) permit requirement by removing total suspended solids, and reliably treating capacity above the annual average daily flow.

Bill Curtis, Mayor of Bay Head Borough, one of the Authority's major customers, remarked that "the Authority has always been committed to maintaining its assets. Rehabilitating these clarifiers is part of our ongoing dedication to improve infrastructure, maintain permits, and pay for it all strategically through the NJ Water Bank to pass savings on to our ratepayers."

This project was designed by the Ocean County Utilities Authority technical staff and was constructed by Allied Construction Group.

Picture courtesy of Ocean County  Utilities Authority


For more information, contact the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank at (609) 219-8600.

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TAGS: 2022