NJWB November 6th, 2024
The Pennsville Sewerage Authority ("PSA" or "Authority") recently completed pump station improvements that are being financed with $745,917 in loans from the NJ Water Bank, a low-rate funding program jointly administered by the DEP and the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank ("I-Bank"). Total savings for this project are estimated to be $85,284 over the 20-year term of the loan or 11% of project cost, in comparison to the Authority financing the project on its own. This project also created an estimated nine direct construction jobs.
After observing an increase in needed repairs within the sanitary sewer system in recent years, the PSA conducted an evaluation of the system. Deterioration of the infrastructure increases the risk of sewer main breaks resulting in the discharge of untreated wastewater, emergency repairs, undermined roadways, and service and traffic interruption.
The evaluation of the sanitary sewer system identified equipment and components that had aged and needed replacement. This project, the first phase of PSA's capital plan, replaced the force main for Pump Station No. 3 protecting local water quality from disturbances related to unwanted discharges.
Robert E. McDade, Chairman of the Township of Pennsville Sewerage Authority, stressed the need for the project. "These improvements will address problems that have been worsening over the years. Our Sewerage Authority is dedicated to maintaining efficient operations for the health of our community and the environment. Renovating components of our infrastructure has been an ongoing goal which will reduce maintenance time and costs. The PSA financed the project strategically by borrowing from the NJ Water Bank which will add savings to ratepayers in the future."
This project was designed by ETS Engineers and managed by Sickels Associates. Arthur R. Henry Inc. constructed the job.
For more information, contact the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank at (609) 219-8600.
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3131 Princeton Pike, Building 4 Suite 216
Lawrenceville NJ, 08648 T. 609 219 8600