NJWB November 27th, 2024
The Cumberland County Improvement Authority ("CCIA") recently implemented improvements at the Cumberland County Landfill that are being financed with approximately $5.43 million in loans from the NJ Water Bank, a low-rate funding program jointly administered by the DEP and the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank ("I-Bank"). Total savings for this project, including interest cost savings is estimated at $1,146,025 over the 30-year term of the loan or 21% of the project cost in comparison to the CCIA financing the project on its own. This project also created an estimated 65 direct construction jobs.
The project restored existing stormwater management features to minimize the generation of leachate at the landfill. Leachate is a potentially highly polluting liquid that forms when precipitation picks up contaminants from the trash as it filters through a solid waste disposal site and seeps into the ground.
The project addressed the leachate issue in several ways: it installed a gas main header pipe to boost gas extraction capacity, added a rain cover to stop rainwater from seeping into the landfill and upgraded the bio-tank feed pipe and pump system with extra containment to prevent spills. Additionally, the CCIA made improvements to drainage and pavement areas.
Gerard Velazquez III, CEO and President of the CCIA, applauded the project stating "We follow a rigorous maintenance program to sustain optimal environmental conditions. The Cumberland County Landfill operation includes a micro-grid which captures methane gas and creates self-sustaining and environmentally friendly green energy. Aesthetics and operational improvements have been strategically implemented by the CCIA to maximize efficiencies at the lowest cost through the NJ Water Bank to benefit our customers."
This project was designed by CME and constructed by C. Abbonizio Contractors, Inc.
For more information, contact the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank at (609) 219-8600.
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