NJWB May 29th, 2018
The Borough of Stone Harbor recently completed a sewer system rehabilitation that is being funded with approximately $4.5 million in loans from the NJ Water Bank, a joint low-rate funding program of the DEP and the NJIB. Total savings for this project are estimated to be $1 million, over the 20-year term of the loan or 24% of the total project cost. In addition, this project created an estimated 54 direct construction jobs.
The proposed project included the installation of almost 2,000 linear feet of sanitary sewers and lateral services, approximately 1,950 linear feet of storm drainage pipes and all associated appurtenances. This project replaces failing portions of the sanitary sewer, therefore promoting water quality in the Borough. Three beach outfalls that had directly discharged into the Atlantic Ocean with no pre-treatment were removed and the affected areas restored. Stormwater treatment structures were installed at the outfall locations to pre-treat run-off and convey it to the bay side for discharge.
According to Judith Davies-Dunhour, Mayor of Stone Harbor, "The Borough is dedicated to exceptional wastewater treatment which is critical to keeping our water resources clean. This project is a great example of our water and sewer department striving to maintain our assets to protect the environment and public health while saving our ratepayers money over time."
This project was designed by Remington Vernick & Walberg Engineers. Subcontracting work was performed by Asphalt Paving Systems, Inc.
Pictures courtesy of Remington Vernick & Walberg Engineers
For more information, contact the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank at (609) 219-8600.
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3131 Princeton Pike, Building 4 Suite 216
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