NJWB June 4th, 2018
Roosevelt Borough completed wastewater treatment plant improvements that are being funded with approximately $814,178 in loans from the NJ Water Bank, a joint low-rate funding program of the DEP and the NJIB. Total savings for this project are estimated to be $144,165, over the 20-year term of the loan or 22% of the total project cost. In addition, this project created an estimated 10 direct construction jobs.
The Borough-owned Water Treatment Plant was built nearly 80 years ago and has remained unchanged since its original construction. The deteriorated plant required a complete upgrade to ensure that the treatment process met all current drinking water standards. The project was difficult because of its location and isolation from outside water distribution sources. Improvements to the water plant were staged to be able to maintain normal treatment processes throughout the project. This required the removal of part of the roof to remove and install one filter at a time. New water filters were installed with green sand which drastically decreased the level of iron and manganese in the treated water thus eliminating the staining of clothing, sinks and bathroom fixtures throughout the Borough. The upgrades also included improvements to the sedimentation tank which was accumulating iron from the aerator tower. The piping between the two structures was caked with iron and the restriction of flow was causing operational and maintenance problems for the well and treatment equipment. A new sludge pump was installed to eliminate the buildup in the sedimentation tank. The water distribution system was improved by cleaning and lining additional footage and installing a 6-inch gate valve at the water treatment plant and at well number three.
According to Peggy Malking, Mayor of Roosevelt Borough "Our water and sewer service is dedicated to providing our community with high quality drinking water. This project is an example of their diligence in maintaining our assets for cost-effective operations and saving our rate payers money in the long run."
This project was designed by Roberts Engineering Group, LLC and subcontracted by B&H Contracting, Inc. and Dilworth & Paxon, LLC.
Pictures courtesy of Roberts Engineering Group, LLC
For more information, contact the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank at (609) 219-8600.
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