NJWB March 20th, 2018
The Pine Hill Municipal Utilities Authority (Authority) recently completed wastewater treatment plant improvements that are being funded with approximately $1.2 million in loans from the NJ Water Bank, a joint low-rate funding program of the DEP and the NJIB. Total savings for this project are estimated to be $383,266, over the 20-year term of the loan or 30% of the total project cost. In addition, this project created an estimated 14 direct construction jobs.
Improvements included the demolition of the 45-year-old dry pump station and its replacement with a new submersible pump station. The project also included the installation of a new 6-inch force main connection to the recently installed CCMUA interceptor line and a sanitary sewer extension. By replacing deteriorated equipment and connecting the sanitary sewer line to the CCMUA for treatment, this project reduces the Authority's cost to maintain a two-mile force main and the increasing cost of sending wastewater through a neighboring town.
Christopher Green, Mayor of Pine Hill Borough, commended the Authority, stating that "the Authority is dedicated to extending the life of their assets to efficiently convey wastewater for treatment while saving their ratepayers money in the long run through the Water Bank's low-interest loans."
This project was designed by Pennoni Associates and constructed by Level-1 Construction and Centerpoint Associates, Inc.
Pictures courtesy of Pennoni Associates
For more information, contact the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank at (609) 219-8600.
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