NJWB January 24th, 2024
Elizabeth City recently closed on a $16,500,000 loan with the NJ Water Bank to improve drainage near South Second Street and related improvement at the intersection of Third Avenue and Atlantic Street. The City of Elizabeth has a combined sewer system which often experiences overflow events leading to floods. Several times a year flooding occurs reaching curb height, impeding vehicle passage, and impacting homes. The accumulated water is a combination of sewage and stormwater which creates strong odors and health concerns for the residents of Elizabeth. The primary cause of the flooding is the system's inadequate capacity to handle the volume in the downstream sewer pipes. The objective of this project is to redirect flow from the existing sewers located along Third Avenue into a proposed one-million-gallon underground CSO tank. These flows would be pumped back into the combined sewer system once the overflow conditions have been alleviated. These improvements will significantly reduce flooding events in the area. The project also includes a pump station, the installation of a new emergency generator and a recycling center building proposed for the top of the CSO tank with water and sewer connections.
For more information, contact the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank at (609) 219-8600.
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NJWB February 7th, 2025
Spruce Run Reservoir Structures Refurbishment and Resource Preservation Project
3131 Princeton Pike, Building 4 Suite 216
Lawrenceville NJ, 08648 T. 609 219 8600